
If it’s as thin as a bookmark, slimmer than a dollar coin and dexterous enough to fold, can it be a Reading Light? Yes, it can!  — YANKO DESIGN



Great for bookworms. The latest bookmark of 2019 is also a reading light — Gizomodo.jp


Nemuix functions as a Reading light and Bookmark, allowing any book nomad to read absolutely anywhere with ease and comfort.  — DesignNest


Thinner than a coin and able to fit into any wallet, BIOLITE stays flat until it is put in a nightstand position. — NBC 2



Reading light combined with bookmark -- thin and light book-light 「NEMUIX」 —Fabcross.jp


どこでも読書灯を確保! 世界最薄のライト「Nemuix」はしおりにもなる!

Secure reading lights everywhere! The world's thinnest reading light 「Nemuix」is also a bookmark!
